Monday, February 13, 2012

72 Threat Fusion Centers in USA Were Designed To Threaten American Citizens

72 Threat Fusion Centers in USA Were Designed To Threaten American Citizens

February 13, 2012

There are 72 Threat Fusion Centers. 50 state based and 22 urban centers set up during the Bush presidency in cooperation between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice. They collect information from all 16 US intelligence agencies, the CIA, FBI, the military, state and local police agencies and privately owned corporations and organizations like the ADL and SPLC which some say should be registered as agents of a foreign power Israel.
A lot of their information comes from contractors. So just how many contractors does DHS employ? Senator McCaskill said DHS doesn’t even know how many contractors there are working for them. Some estimate at one time there was as many as 200,000. If you understand bureaucracies and contractors, you will realize that these people need to justify their paychecks by finding terrorists. And that probably already includes you because you are on the Internet and have opinions.
The See Something Say Something program has expanded the source and unreliability of informants to include anyone in certain occupations that brings them into contact with the public. These include garbage collectors, cable TV installers and repairmen, carpet cleaners, dentists, doctors, truck drivers, cab drivers, clergymen, teachers, nurses and anyone with a phone who can call one of many hotlines. Callers can be motivated by an argument, a dispute over a bill or angered by a divorce. Millions of people are spying on us. And I guarantee one of them does not like you.
Some people just do not care what others say about them. One woman even wrote a book entitled ‘What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business.’ The problem with that attitude is that the DHS wants to require security clearances to work in certain occupations. As that list of occupations grows, the possibility of losing a job increases exponentially. An intended consequence of your inability to find work without the approval of DHS will be the stifling of dissent.
The information DHS collects on you includes the opinions of your garbage collector who might not like you based upon what your neighbor puts in your trash after you left for work in the morning. Or what a local minister says he thinks he heard you or someone with a similar name say at a wedding or a funeral.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania had a contract with an Israeli intelligence firm linked to the Mossad that listed environmentalists worried about pollution in a local lake as potential terrorists. At the time I first reported this, I said the Israelis were worried that people active enough to get dressed and go across town to demonstrate over a threat against their health would also be the first or possibly the second ones to hit the streets after the dollar collapses and everything they have is taken from them by the banks.
Once you are listed as a potential threat to the community there does not seem to be any way to remove you from the list. Please note that you do not have to do anything or to threaten anyone to get on a list of potential terrorists. All you have to do is to become active in an organization that someone somewhere feels threatened by. This includes those private partners, the military and Israel. Obviously, anti-war activists will threaten the jobs of people selling weapons. But people worried about water and air pollution could also be considered as threats to corporations fracking (hydraulic fracturing) for oil as this process causes earthquakes and releases carcinogens into the drinking water. But you do not have to join any groups as the federal government has access to every one of your emails and phone calls. This includes other people in your house. And do not forget human error. As Mike Adams said, no IQ is too low to work for the TSA.
The following organizations have been listed as potential threats.
Both pro- and anti-abortion activists have been considered threats. It seems only those who have no opinions on abortion are safe.
Environmentalist, Tea Party and Second Amendment activists are suspect. Of course you would expect anti-war people on any list with input from the military but they also included those in the anti-death penalty movement. The most well known case for abuse was the inclusion of all Ron Paul supporters and Libertarians. But the list also includes all Third party members which covers the Reform, Labor, Socialist, Constitutional and American parties.
The lists have been expanded to include conspiracy theorists and critics of the government. Now we are talking about a large mass of potential terrorists. House Speaker John Boehner recently said that nobody likes the Congress. I would tell him why if I had access. The FBI has said that any supporter of the gold standard or has more than a two week supply of food is a potential terrorist. I know for a fact that every Chinese businessman in the world would rather have gold than dollars. Does that mean DHS has to include every Chinese restaurant on its list of terrorist suspects?
In Virginia plans for a mega fusion center run by the US Joint Special Operations Command came to light. JSOC was headed at one time by four-star General Stanley McChrystal and was accused of being used as an assassination bureau by Dick Cheney. This mega fusion center was to use Internet data mining to select potential targets. The Tennessee Fusion Center received the “Fusion Center of the Year” award from Janet Napolitano, head of DHS. This is the fusion center that went door to door demanding to know how much food people had stored. There are 7 fusion centers in California. I have a link to the addresses of all 72 threat fusion center in the references below.
Of course fusion centers have another function. They are supposed to prevent you from doing anything once you have been identified as a threat. I will have to deal with what plans they have for Enemies of the State in the future. I do want to comment on one possible abuse by quoting from a fictional piece I wrote about a conversation between Naomi Wolf and the American President-elect in 2016.
“Our new program to remove obstructionists was a real money maker for our campaign. All of the corporations lined up to donate money to us in exchange for promising to take certain specified people off the streets. What we plan to do is give a Notice Of Separation to about 10,000 people in our first trial run of the program. A Notice Of Separation does not take away your right to vote because we are in a one party state now so voting is useless anyway. What it does is to separate you from the Bill of Rights. You will be forbidden to participate in politics, protests or even discussions thereof. Nor will you be allowed to associate in political groups. Oh. Our donors insist that is to include consumer rights activities as well. Any violation of the Notice Of Separation will result in a one year confinement. No need for a trial. A second violation will have permanent consequences. Any questions or comments, Naomi?”
Do you doubt that this is possible given the changes in America since 1980?
Related Articles:
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The following is the link to the addresses of the 72 threat fusion centers.
Fusion Center Locations Revealed…the Secret Is Out

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